Monday, March 10

Keeping Your Family Safe From Allergies

Tips for Keeping Safe at Home | Food Allergy Research & Education

Indoor allergens, including cockroach droppings, mold, pet dander, and dust mites, can cause asthma symptoms and allergies. Nearly all floors, furniture, and other surfaces around the house are the usual places where allergens accumulate. Your home will not be completely free from indoor allergens, but regular, a thorough cleaning will help reduce the number of allergens you’ll be dealing with daily.

Most homeowners also opt to use air purifiers to limit their exposure to allergens, but these appliances can be expensive. Below are seven tips that you can use to minimize the number of indoor allergens, allowing you to breathe easily.

Make Sure to Dust Surfaces

Mold, dust particles, and pollen are the common indoor allergens. One typical hack is to start from top to bottom in dusting surfaces. It’ll help you avoid spreading dust on surfaces you cleaned. You should also avoid using microfiber cloths or feather dusters to brush the dust particles away. Damp microfiber cloths will absorb the dust instead of spreading it around the house.

Make sure also to clean the curtains, blinds, and ceiling fans.

Wash and Cover the Pillows

Most modern-day professionals yearn to sleep and lay on a fresh pillow from a busy day in the office. But your pillows are one of the sources of dust mites. Most homeowners aren’t aware that their blankets and pillows get heavier due to dust mites and their harmful droppings. To avoid these, you can use washable cases.

You’ll only have to wash them and your usual cases every three weeks. Depending on the pillows you own, you can dry clean or wash them every three to four months.

Don’t Let the Allergens Enter

Keeping the windows closed is another habit you’ll have to establish if you have HVAC units. It’ll prevent pollen from being circulated inside the house. Make it a habit to leave your shoes at the door or use a mat at the doors where you can clean your feet before entering your home. Keep inside temperatures cool to prevent humidity. Humidity is the perfect environment where dust mites and mold form.

Use an Air Filtration System

If you’re susceptible to allergies, you’ll have to avoid opening doors and windows to let fresh air enter. You should avoid doing that when the weather turns warm. Keep indoor air cleaner than the outdoor air to maintain a cleaner, dust-free environment. Today, you can use air filtration systems to eliminate nearly all airborne particles, including pet dander, hair, and natural indoor allergens.

If your home has HVAC systems, you should have the filters inspected and replaced regularly, especially during allergy seasons. It’ll also be best to invest in regular air duct cleaning services to keep your family healthier when the weather changes.

Dust, Vacuum, and Clean

Dusting and vacuuming regularly will minimize indoor allergies. Innovative vacuums for pet owners are suitable for sensitive homeowners because they feature high-quality filters and systems that prevent bacteria, dust, and fur circulation. You can also use natural cleaning products to reduce asthma symptoms and allergies. Many organic supplies have baking soda, lemon, water, and vinegar in their composition.

You shouldn’t also ignore your fan’s blades. That’s because it’s the surface where dirt and dust particles accumulate. You can use an old pillowcase to clean the blades, which you have to slide entirely over them and catch falling particles as you wipe them clean.

Establish a Laundry Routine

On top of washing your beddings weekly, your laundry routine should include your daily clothing and outerwear. Before laying down on the sofa, you should first change into a clean piece of clothing after spending the day outdoors. That habit will prevent pollen or dust particles from accumulating on the carpet and furniture. Before doing your laundry, you should check the ingredients of each softener and detergent.

Use organic products to avoid skin irritation resulting from allergic reactions. Using hot water will be beneficial in killing pollutants and dust mites.

Having the Right Furniture

Investing in allergy-free and hypoallergenic beddings is worthwhile if you’re susceptible to allergies. That’s because they won’t absorb indoor allergens. Bear in mind that dust mites can make your pillows and beddings heavier, drastically affecting the quality of your sleep. Use easy-to-clean beddings to reduce indoor allergens. If you plan to replace your beddings, opt for duvet covers made of wool or silk and latex pillows. Be sure to wash them weekly to minimize the amount of pollen that settles in.

If you want to minimize the number of indoor allergens, don’t bring them into your home in the first place. You can rinse off before going to bed or wipe your shoes clean.