Sunday, March 9

How to ChooseThe Right PRP Kit Suppliers?

Platelet Rich Plasma is the therapy that is used for treating many cosmetic issues in both men and women. This procedure has made quite a name in the world of nonsurgical procedures. The procedure will be successful when the clinic that you have chosen will have the best PRP kit.

You can find the best quality PRP-tubes for the PRP kit by visiting the official webpage of Dr. Akhmerov’s Plasmolifting Technologies. They are the most chosen destination for the best PRP tubes that are available for many procedures that include centrifugation and blood collection requirements. You can check their webpage for all the information.

Finding the Right PRP Kit

The autologous PRP can be prepared with the help of the right centrifugation machine. A machine can become the right choice when it not only performs the extraction process at its best but will also offer the best results according to the requirements of the experts that conduct the PRP therapy.

The platelet concentration is not the same in all procedures that are followed during PRP therapy. Hence, the centrifugation machine that you choose for the PRP kit should be available with the settings to adjust the concentration of PRP that you desire as per your work. If the machine is not ideal for the procedure, then the resulting platelet-poor plasma will not offer the desired results.

The tubes that you choose for the blood extraction and also PRP therapy should be the ones that can maintain the quality of the blood sample just the same way as when they were extracted. The same goes for the centrifugation tubes too. The tubes that you choose should avoid all possible contaminations that might occur in the blood sample till it is subjected to centrifugation.

The centrifugation tubes that you choose should withstand the pressure build-up inside the machine when it is running. Each PRP therapy has its own requirement of RPM and the tubes should withstand the pressure when inside the machine.

The RBC count in the centrifugation machine that you choose should be available with the zero-setting to avoid the contamination of PPR with the RBC cells. This is done with the help of the gel barrier method and finding the system that comes with the lowest RBC setting.

The number of monocytes and lymphocytes in the sample should be maintained at the highest numbers when compared with that of the neutrophils in a blood sample. The resulting factor will help the body heal successfully without the interference of neutrophils.

The up-front cost and also the pre-treatment cost of any disposable kit should be compared before the purchase. Studies have shown that some of the PRP kits that are available at affordable prices will make you spend more in the long run because of all the repairs and maintenance.

The spin timings of some machines vary from one another. The duration of the difference between some machines will be starting from 4 minutes and can exceed 21 minutes. Hence, check the manual thoroughly before making a purchase of any PRP kit.