Monday, March 10

Advantages of Reading NCERT Books in Comparison to Other Reference Books

The National Council of Education, Research and Training (NCERT) has a remarkable name in the education field at both primary and secondary level. Both the parents and students have queries like “Are the NCERT Books enough to score well in the exams?” The answer is yes. The NCERT Books have proven to be the best for scoring more than 95% marks. Students can refer to other books but first preference should be given to the NCERT.

Students at the secondary level must cover the chapters discussed in the NCERT textbook to ensure a better understanding of the fundamental concepts. To get the doubts clarified, students are advised to refer to the various study materials available in both online and offline mode. The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics provides students with comprehensive explanations to help them perform well in the annual exam. Each and every chapter is covered as per the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines to improve the conceptual knowledge among students.

Here are some of the advantages which makes NCERT Books a warrior against the other reference books available in the market.

  1. In-depth understanding of difficult concepts

The NCERT Books are designed in such a way it covers all the topics with clarity to help students irrespective of their intelligence quotient. It will also clear the doubts which arise in the minds of students while solving the questions present in the textbook. Students can also brush up their basics in order to clear other competitive exams conducted at both state and national level.

  1. Board exam questions are from NCERT Books

Every student has the fear of scoring more marks in the board exams as it will help them to build their career accordingly. The faculty who prepare the CBSE board exam question paper pick the questions from the NCERT books only. So it is very important for the students to practise both the examples and exercise wise questions to ace the exam with ease.

  1. NCERT Books strictly follow the CBSE syllabus

If a student has a grip on all the concepts present in the NCERT books, he/she will be able to answer any twisted question which would come up in the exam. These books enable deep learning which brings clarity of topics which would be continued in higher levels of education. Apart from conceptual knowledge, students will also be able to analyse the applications of important topics in our daily life.

  1. Simple language to explain concepts

Students under the CBSE board are strictly advised to carefully study the NCERT Books as it is published in a simple language. It helps students to have a clear idea of the concepts and prepare for the exam. The highly knowledgeable subject matter experts have curated these books with the aim of helping students score higher marks.

  1. Saves time during revision

When it comes to ease of language, the NCERT Books has concepts explained in a comprehensive manner to help students save a lot of time during their exam preparation. Practise is the main key to score well in the board exams. For this purpose, students are recommended to solve the questions present in the NCERT textbook prior to the exam and revise them on a daily basis for a better academic performance.

From the above mentioned points it is clear that the NCERT Books contains the entire content of CBSE syllabus which is created for the current year. Students who are not able to get a clear idea of the topics during the class hours can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics. The subject matter experts have provided diagramatic representation to enable visual learning skills among the students which is necessary to score well in the board exams.