Monday, March 10

Day: May 14, 2022

What Guns Do Police Use?

What Guns Do Police Use?

Did you know that a suspect can remove a concealed gun, aim it, and fire it in 250 milliseconds? In contrast, a blink is about 150 milliseconds! This means that just two blinks can separate life and death for a police officer. To counteract this danger, police officers are given extensive firearms training in addition to role-playing to learn how to deescalate the situation. But reflexes and training can only go so far. For reliable protection, police need reliable guns. What guns do police use for this purpose? In this article, we'll go over the top choices for police departments, so read on to learn more!  Glock 19 Glock is one of the most popular gun brands for law enforcement due to its lightweight and high-quality models. The Glock 19 is their lightest and smallest model, ...