Sunday, March 9

Day: February 11, 2022

What Are the Different Types of RVs That Campers Use Today?

Every since 2020 halted the travel industry, the camping industry has been exploding. No one likes the idea of staying cooped up inside all the time. But with borders still being difficult to cross, many Americans are turning to RV travel and camping to indulge their wanderlust. RV sales in the US have skyrocketed since the initial outburst of the pandemic, and demand isn't slowing down yet. There are many different types of RVs, each suited to a particular style of travel and budget. Regardless of whether you like camping in luxury, or don't mind keeping it simple out in the woods, there's an RV for you. How do you choose the best RV for your travel needs? Keep reading to discover the most popular tips for RVs to see which one will work for you. Class A Motorhome Class A motorhomes...

Must-Know For Small Businesses: Vehicle Tax Write-Offs

Small businesses on average pay about 19.8% business tax. One way to reduce the amount you owe in taxes is by doing a tax write-off. One way you can use your write-off is by doing a vehicle tax write-off, especially if you have a heavier vehicle. Keep reading to learn more about how a small business tax write-off works for large vehicles. What Are Heavy Vehicle Tax Write-Offs? If you're interested in writing off vehicles over 6000 pounds, you'll need to use a Section 179 deduction. This will work if your vehicle is classified as an SUV under the tax rules, but it's limited to $25,000. If you don't have an SUV that is heavy, like a van or a pickup, these aren't limited to the $25,000 limit. These vehicles can be written off for the entire portion that you use for your business. Keep...